
WSBA Licensing CLE

On May 26th, I’ll be co-chairing the Washington State Bar IP Section CLE, “Advanced Licensing Topics”, and presenting on “The Business of Licensing People”, a panel that explores the law and business strategies surrounding licensing the use of people in advertising, products, and endorsements.

Panel at TRAC

The Racing Attorney’s Conference

On April 13th, I’ll be presenting at the Racing Attorney’s Conference in Indianapolis. The topic is Preparing for Life After the Race Track, and will be discussing publicity rights, securing media and intellectual property to support licensing programs, and using social media to enhance your brand. My co-panelist include Jonathan Faber (professor and attorney) and Wes Zirkle (VP & General Counsel of JMI). I’ll also be talking about the success and efforts of McQueen Racing.

IP Ownership Presentation

On January 21, 2010, I’ll be co-presenting in New York with Todd Navratt of Hallmark at the PLI Seminar on Intellectual Property Issues in Business Transactions. Our presentation will cover: Relationships Involving IP that Will Be Shared or Jointly Developed.
  • Can collaboration with another company create new opportunities?
  • When to create a joint venture rather than a strategic alliance
  • Rights of the partners/collaborators to use newly developed IP
  • IP ownership issues upon dissolution of the business

Social Networks Presentation

On June 17th, I’ll be speaking on a panel about the emerging legal issues posed by advertising on social networks. The audience represents companies and advertisers in the personal care products industry.

The DMCA Turns Ten

I'll be presenting at the upcoming 14th Annual Intellectual Property Institute, a Washington State Bar Association CLE, sponsored by the Intellectual Property Section. My topic, The DMCA Turns Ten, focuses on cases that have shaped the progress of the DMCA, and emerging business models that challenge copyright owners going forward.

Is it time to retune the DMCA?